Annual Retreat
Sector of the Province
The Annual retreat of the Sector was represented by the Provincial Community and the Tutu Rural Training Centre Community. It was held at the Nazareth prayer centre, Wailekutu, Suva and was well directed by Fr Denis Revi SM of Marist College. Fr Micheal McVerry SM, while visiting Tutu was able to join the retreat.
Farewell, Thank You
Farewell Good and Faithful Servant: Fr Michael McVerry SM
After the annual retreat of the sector of the province, the Marists in the Suva area gathered at the Provincial to farewell Fr Michael McVerry who returns to his home province of New Zealand for medical reasons. Fr Michael has been in Oceania for over 40 years beginning in the Solomon and in Tutu for 38 years. His vision and commitment to the development of the Rural Training Centre has borne great and lasting fruits for the people of the Cakaudrove province and parts of Bua and Macuata province. Tutu has developed into a prime example of the Marist mission building up youths, adults men and women, and families. He has now handed over the rein into the capable hands of Fr Petero Matairatu SM.
Happy 90th Birthday Fr Gerard Bruns SM
Happy 90th
Fr Bruns, with two others, is the oldest member of the Province. On the 17th August he celebrated his 90th birthday. He is the only Dutch missionary left in Oceania, and he is retiring in Tanagai, Solomon Island.