Launching of MVY in Tonga
The Sector Delegate, Fr Ekuasi Manu sm together with the confreres in Tonga, Frs Anaua Finau sm, Steven Lugabai sm, 'Ofa Vaihu sm, Sipiliano Faka'osi, sm, Mikaele Misinale sm, Viliami Kiola sm, and the four aspirants gathered at the beach singing the Salve Regina as they remembered the early missionaries who left the shores of France not knowing if they would ever return home. Their appreciation of the Marist Vocation, their gratitude for their vocation, and their pledge for renewal of Marist vocation were symbolically set in a ritual of sending their prayer and hope over the ocean on paper boats.
Launching Marist Vocation Year in Hohola, PNG
The Marist Community of Hohola, Ports Moresby, PNG comprising of Fr Wesley Manu sm, Br Elia Sawesawe sm, Seminarians Cameron Mota sm and Ignatius Giobun marked the beginning of the Marist Vocation Year with a community prayer service.
Launching of Vocation Year
In the evening of the Anniversary of Ven Jean-Claude Colin, the founder of the Society of Mary on the 15th of November, the Marists from around the Suva areas and the community from Mt St Mary's, Nadi, came together at Marist College to launch the Marist Vocation Year. The program began with the Holy Eucharist led by the Provincial. During the mass, three students renewed their temporary vows. The gathering followed after Mass where the elderly Marists were acknowledged with the traditional kava ceremony. The video of the Superior General's launching address of the Vocation year was played. A presentation of the programs and activities of the year was followed. Sharing the individual's experiences of the Marist vocation was greatly appreciated by all. The program ended with a most delicious meal.
Peter Matakarawa sm, Lesley Kinani sm & Leonard Amora sm renewing their vows |
A sevusevu presented for the elderly confreres |
Part of the gathering during Mass |
Cutting the Profession Cake |
Part of the gathering listening in to the presentation |
The recently ordained, Fr Joe Tora sm presenting the sevusevu |
Fr James Ross sm sharing |
Fr Justin Ratsi sm with Lesley, Leonard, and Peter who have just renewed their vows. |
Propaedeutic Retreat
The 2021 propaedeutic students of the Pacific Regional Seminary were led in a retreat by the Provincial, Fr Setefano Mataele sm in the Marist Eco-Centre in Dawasamu. The group consists of Marist students, diocesan and Columban.
The Propaedeutic group's mass inside and outside the earth house in Dawasamu. |
Cerdon Novitiate - Yaounde, Cameroon
The Covid-19 pandemic has disrupted the International Novitiate in the Philippines and paving the way for the district of Africa to re-establish their novitiate that has been closed since 2000. It opened in 2020 with some novices professed and moving to Rome for the rest of their formation. Currently there are 5 novices with a Novice master and a socius.
The 5 Novices with the Novice master, Fr Raymon Pelletier sm and Socius, Fr Constant Amoussouga sm. |
The Superior General, Fr John Larsen sm and Assistant, Fr Ben McKenna sm visited the Cerdon Novitiate earlier in the year. |
Fr Kosema Masei sm of Oceania and currently on mission for the District of Africa visited Cerdon novitiate and celebrated mass with them. |